Thursday, December 26, 2019
Great Assyrians And Egyptian Pharaohs - 1592 Words
Throughout art history many rulers have faced the same problems that come to even the most common of people. No matter how much power a dynasty ruler gained, they could not feel and ensure for themselves a valiant future after death. Great Assyrians and Egyptian Pharaohs alike wanted to ensure their absolute power in this life and the next. From art they could make sure that their image would have the best chance of surviving even after they themselves have passed away. In eras where a new ruler could change and deplete the entire region, art was a long lasting image and message that would translate and stay with the perceiver. Art containing pictures of idealistic animals inferred an absolute image of power and respect no matter what theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In either case it is from the same area and Mesopotamian era. During this time art was mostly military, and the most important parts of the palace were stored with scenes of ââ¬Å"war and chaseâ⬠(Delaporte). A pl ace where the griffinââ¬â¢s literal and figurative image of strength would fit right in. The Furniture Plaque Carved in Relief with a Griffin in a Floral Landscape is a square plaque measuring 7.8 cm by 6.1 cm, and carved out of ivory from an elephant tusk, most likely from African elephants imported from south of Egypt (The Met.). The picture on the face of the plaque is of a griffin, an animal having the head and wings of an eagle attached to a body and hindquarters of a lion (ââ¬Å"Griffinâ⬠). The griffin shown has sharp talons and beak with pointed eyes. Lions were repeatedly seen throughout Assyrian artwork (Ascalone). The muscular legs and abdomen paired with a strong neck and flanks gave a symbolic image of the ideal solider or army. People in this era knew how lions would have appeared face to face, untamed and never enclosed. To a people with needed protection from lions, their image represented a dominance and power. Two tenons, or pieces of wood that would have joined this artwork with another, suggest that there were more works of art surrounding it (The Met.). Other animals were also symbolic and literal figures for the Assyrians as they could represent tributes of power to characteristics such as being regal. For example, ââ¬Å" theShow MoreRelatedFirst Civilizations: the Peoples of Western Asia and Egypt1057 Words à |à 5 Pagesfarmers and commoners. Agricultural advancements brought an abundance of food and allowed people to work in occupations other than farming. Most important of all these societies developed their own form of writing as a way to keep records of their great history. These are the qualities that emcompasses a society these building blocks are what set us apart from what could only be chaos. In this essay I will analyze the key civilizations that arose in Mesopotamia and Egypt. From there I will discussRead MoreThe Ancient Egyptian. Iris Kim. March.9,2017. 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Because the Egyptians did not have to wrest survival from a hostile and unpredictable environment. Instead, their land was renewed every year by the flooding of the Nile River. The fertile black soil that was left behind every summer made theirs the richest agricultural region in the entire Mediterranean world. It was a farming community that may have numbered as many as 16,000 residents, and this number suggests that some Egyptian communities were much larger
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
School Uniforms Should Be Required For Their Freedom Of...
School uniforms were first introduced in England, in the 16th century. In the beginning it was only for charity purposes, but clothing started to have a different meaning throughout the centuries. The early purposes of wearing school uniforms were not much different than that of todayââ¬â¢s. Same clothing can represent togetherness and may also help students no to get distracted. This research paper will take a closer look at why schools should mandate such a policy, supported by details and statistics from different sources. The majority of school students believe uniforms will restrain their freedom of expression. However, all elementary schools in different nations should make it mandatory for their students to wear school uniforms.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦There are many positives to this idea. It is said to increase academic and discipline and even safety within the schools. Uniforms can decrease social competition and bullying, and also can make getting ready easier. In Hungary for instance, there is only a few schools that require their students to wear uniforms, thus representing them as the same. However, most all the schools require some sort of a dress-code regulation. For instance, at the American International School of Budapest (AISB), an ââ¬Ëindirectââ¬â¢ policy was introduced: ââ¬Å"Although AISB does not have a school uniform, appropriate school dress is important to the atmosphere of the school. We expect that clothing worn to school is comfortable, neat, clean, safe and appropriate to the season. In particular it must be appropriate for the school setting.â⬠(AISB, 11) The schools states its dress-code regulations in a guideline (handbook). Most of these regulations state that ââ¬Å"clothing should not be overly tight, overly baggy or revealing. Shirts and tops should cover the student s underwear and belly button. Hats may not be worn inside the building. No clothing may be worn that exhibits inappropriate language or l ogos (violent, sexist, racist). Hanging straps and chains are unsafe and should not be part of, or attached to, clothing worn to
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Sister Carrie Essay Assignment Example For Students
Sister Carrie Essay Assignment In August of 1889, Carrie Meeber leaves her small town to find employment in the city of Chicago. Theodore Dreiser, the author of Sister Carrie, informs the reader that, Self-interest with her was high, but not strong. It was nevertheless her guiding characteristic.. With her youth and innocence she hopes to seek employment so that she can get and buy all the nice things that she wants. Carrie does not have any idea how hard this is going to be. When she tries to find a job, she is scared. Carrie has no skills to offer an employer, no job experience, and her clothing was of poor quality. Chicago was a large city, but society at that time did not have many job opportunities for working women. The only jobs that Carrie could possibly get were in the factories that, paid low wages, had poor working conditions, and long hours. She knew that after she paid rent to her brother-in-law, she would have very little left to buy all the beautiful things that she longed for. When Carrie took the job at the shoe factory, she did not like the hard work and considered the other women who worked there to be common. When winter arrived, Carrie got sick and stayed home from work which caused her to lose her job. On the train to Chicago, Carrie had met a traveling salesman, Charlie H. Drouet. She is impressed by the way he talks and dresses. When they meet again, Drouet is aware of her beauty and innocence and he hopes to charm and seduce her. He lends Carrie money to buy nice winter clothes, treats her to fine meals, takes her to the theater, and shows her the sights of Chicago. Because Carrie is young and inexperienced in the world of men, she is not wise enough to understand where all Drouets attention is leading toward. Although she senses that the money should be given back, her desire and longing for the good things in life are so powerful that she ignores her beliefs in what is right and wrong. Unable to find another job, Carries is forced to make a decision, returning to Wisconsin or letting Drouet keep her as his mistress. Choosing to remain with Drouet was an extraordinary decision. This went against everything society taught. It was unthinkable for any decent woman to live with a m an without marriage. Yet, Carrie ignored the rules. Drouets promise to eventually marry Carrie allowed her to ignore her conscience which told her that her behavior was wrong. The longer Drouet and Carrie lived together, she finally realizes that she is not deeply in love with him, she is smarter, and he is not as sophisticated as she had first thought. When Drouet invites his friend, Hurstwood, to dinner, She met a man who was more clever than Drouet in a hundred ways. Carrie had gone with Drouet because of financial need to avoid returning to her hometown. Carrie loves Hurstwood and agrees to leave with him believing that they will marry right away. Discovering that Hurstwood is married, Carrie decides to leave Drouet and tries to find an acting job. Its ironic that she is now back in the same financial situation when she had made the decision to live with Drouet. Once again, Carrie cant find a job. Hurstwood forces her into leaving with him and, once again, because of financial reasons she remains with Hurstwood. Carrie thinks they are married in Canada and eventually they move to New York. Hurstwood is not able to find or keep a job. With no one left to support her, Carrie gets a job. As her theater career rises and her social status improves, Hurstwood becomes completely dependent on Carrie. He is no longer the intelligent, assured, and cultured man that she thought he was. With the ability to support herself, Carrie leaves Hurstwood. He becomes a street person and ends up killing himself. .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de , .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de .postImageUrl , .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de , .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de:hover , .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de:visited , .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de:active { border:0!important; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de:active , .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uba5e9803e8d7d71fd21c74aec56581de:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Exemplification: Euthanasia Should Be Legalized EssayCarrie had always thought that if she ever got wealth and position, which she now has, that she would be completely happy. A friend introduces her to Bob Ames, unlike any man that she met before. Ames notices that Carrie is sad. He tells her, Your happiness is within yourself wholly if you will only believe it. Here was a man not offering her money, clothes, or applause, all the things that Drouet and Hurstwood had given her. The secret to her happiness was to give off herself to those less fortunate. Carrie was young, innocent, and scared when she first arrived in Chicago. With no skills, she cant find a job. Going against the social rules of her generation, she lives with two men as their mistress. They give her the material things she desires. Her judgement in selecting men is based on their appearance and not on their character. Finally, she is without support and forced to make it on her own. Becoming a success in the theater, she is able to get all the things she desires. Her wealth doesnt give her the happiness and satisfaction she thought it would. With age and experience, Carrie comes to understand that contentment comes from giving to those less fortunate than herself, and that character is more important than how a person looks.Book Reports
Monday, December 2, 2019
Throwing Mechanics And Shoulder Distraction In Professional Baseball P
Throwing Mechanics And Shoulder Distraction In Professional Baseball Pitchers Werner, Sherry L. (2001) Relationship between Throwing Mechanics and Shoulder Distraction in Professional Baseball Pitchers. American Journal of Sports Medicine. Its fair to say that a good baseball game can lie in the hands of the pitcher. According to this article by the American Journal of Sports Medicine, 50 percent of professional baseball pitchers experience elbow or shoulder pain due to the way they throw the ball. Because not much research has been done on professional baseball athletes, the purpose of this publication was to find at what point in the pitchers technique does most of the damage occur. The study began by taking 40 pro-baseball pitchers, all ranging from the age of 23-33 years old with relatively the same height and weight. Also, thirty-two of the 40 selected are right-hand dominant. Then they placed 3 cameras in different parts of the field. These cameras would take still frames of the pitchers and their technique when throwing the ball. They found that at the point where there is maximum rotation (aka the cocking phase) the distraction force was low. Also, it was stated that because of the elbow angle at foot stride an d ball release that the shoulder joint was affected more so than at any other time. Finally, in order to understand why the injuries occur we should learn the joint ranges of motion so we can develop better preventive methods for injuries. I dont believe that this article is very reliable, because the way the chose their subject wasnt very scientifical. First, The range of age is too broad, and it doesnt mention how long the pitcher has been in the sport. For example, the could have chosen a 23 year old with a good arm, but bad technique compared to a 33 year old who has been pitching for years and has loosened the ligaments in his arm. Also, they selected 32 that were right-hand dominant. That became the majority. I believe that the data would be wrong if the numbers of right-handed to left-handed pitchers werent equal, because they are the control group in the experiment, which makes the variable the pitchers technique. Overall, this experiment shouldnt be considered a reference for students or others to depend on. When it comes to the relevancy of this article to the field of athletic training, I believe that it is somewhat helpful. In order to understand and prevent injuries, an athletic trainer must understand why and how the injuries happen. This article gave detailed information of the correct method of pitching. For example, it stated that the average elbow at pitchers stance was 96 degrees, but those with more flexed elbows had less shoulder distraction. So an athletic trainer can figure out if their athletes stance is off or help them loosen up the athletes shoulder so the can reach back farther. Also, the athletic trainer can help the athletic with their technique, such as their stride, or follow through based on the information attained from the experiment. I chose this article because Im a huge Cubs fan, and 2 years ago Keri Wood was having trouble with his shoulder and elbow, so I decided that maybe I can find out the history behind his problem. Well, honestly I didnt. I found out ways that he could have prevented those problems, and how he can find whatever caused them. In my opinion this wasnt a very good article when it comes to the way these people carried out the experiment, and at least I now know what to look for. Anatomy and Physiology
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